Synchronization Software
Time synchronization software supports precise synchronization hardware by improving operating systems capabilities.
PresenTense Windows NTP Software
PresenTense software replaces the minimal W32Time utility with significant capabilities for the network user. Shorter time sync intervals for superior timing accuracy, real-time monitoring, loss of time sync alert, support for redundant time sources, and easily accessed record logs all are provided in an intuitive, easily implemented package.
OverviewTime synchronization software supports precise synchronization hardware by improving operating systems capabilities. Whether the application is for accurate computer time for network security, accurate record-keeping, or compliance to regulations and best practices, or to improve sophisticated time-critical algorithms, taking care of time-handling within the server or PC is critical. Safran offers software for Windows that supports standard network protocols in order to provide an end-to-end solution: from legally traceable time sources, LAN synchronization, WAN synchronization, to the local computer clock providing timing to the application, and the resulting time-stamps. Synchronization solved. PresenTense from ByteFusion A suite of software tools for complete management of time synchronization across your Windows network. NTP client NTP server LAN time analyzer Auditor