A precision time protocol architected for the unexpected

Hoptroff Traceable Time as a Service is the world’s most resilient end to end time synchronisation solution, giving your network effortless scale, bulletproof resilience, and precision up to 100ns accuracy.


All time synchronisation
features in one place

The five modular components can be purchased separately or in a bundle as a total end to end precision timing solution.

Hoptroff Terrestrial Time Feed
The Hoptroff TerrestrialTime Feed serves as the cornerstone of Zero Trust Architecture, providing secure transmission of four satellite systems plus three official terrestrial UTC feeds to your network via terrestrial connections. This supports a wide range of applications, from simple SSH to CAT NMS compliance.

Hoptroff Traceable Time as a Service (TTaas®)

Hoptroff TTaas® is an end to end, high performance, network-delivered, IEEE 1588 precision time protocol and time synchronisation solution for global financial services, media and broadcasting, gaming, internet of things, e-commerce, and distributed ledger technology. 

It’s designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing hardware and software infrastructure, scalable and flexible. 

Fintech friendly and enterprise ready.

The five modular components can be purchased separately or in a bundle as a total end to end precision timing solution.
The Hoptroff Time Feed provides secure precision timing protocol to your network via terrestrial connections. With more than 15 POPs worldwide, we can provide direct fibre connectivity to major datacentres in the USA, Asia, UK and EU, and are likely in the same datacentre as most businesses already.   

When you connect to our Time Feed, you gain access to our Timing Hubs located in the United States, Europe and Asia. You can choose to fetch time from one, two or more. These Timing hubs are connected to three official terrestrial sources like NIST and RISE, and additional to that, they also receive time from four satellite systems.

Our Timing Hubs adhere to ISO 27001, following Zero-Trust architecture, and undergo independent annual certification, making them suitable for emergency services, mission-critical applications, and highly regulated industries such as finance, insurance, gaming, and gambling. 

  • Consolidated time feed from multiple satellite and terrestrial UTC sources
  • Available at major data centres through direct layer 2 connections 
  • 24x7 uptime supported by a dedicated team of systems and networking engineering team
  • Resilient to GNSS jamming and spoofing, and GPS outages
  • Proven to be accurate to 100ns, making it suitable for high-frequency traders, banks, and exchanges
  • Delivered securely through IPSec tunnel or via VPS to cloud systems and networks
  • Uptime, traceability, cybersecurity and support guaranteed in our SLA
Hoptroff Time Suite® Enterprise is a software that enables systems engineers, systems administrators, network operations engineers, devops, and database administrators to manage system time on Linux and Windows networks.

Deploying Hoptroff Time Suite® Enterprise, you can easily monitor, analyse, track and report on timing issues, making it easier to identify and troubleshoot issues, and set thresholds for alerts and an alerting method (syslog, SNMP or email). Hoptroff Time Suite® Enterprise tracks the upstream sources' accuracy, jitter, and UTC offsets to determine the sharpest, most precise time up to 100ns accuracy. 

  • IEEE1588 PTPv2, NTP/ NTP+ standard
  • Compatible with Windows 2012r2 through 2022, all current 64-bit x86/x64 Linux variants
  • AI based predictive failure prevention
  • Multi-source failover to provide the most accurate and resilient precision timing 
  • Widely used on exchanges, global financial institutions, banks and fintech businesses
  • Accurate up to 100ns
  • Hardware timestamping available on compatible network interfaces, including Intel, Solarflare, and Mellanox cards along with various others that support the native Linux hardware timestamping API
  • Backed by our SLA for enterprise customers
Hoptroff Compliance is a software that provides robust reporting for MiFIDII, CAT and other financial regulators requiring verified, accurate and precise time stamps, and monitor outages across an entire network of computer systems.

The components include a small client measurement daemon that is installed on each system requiring reporting, a database queuing system and postgreSQL, as well as a reporting engine to generate reports as PDF or Microsoft Excel files.

  • Customisable MiFIDII and CAT compliance reporting
  • Additional report templates
  • Compliance records storage system
  • Bring-your-own storage, or let us store it securely for you for 7 years
  • Widely used on exchanges, high frequency trading, global financial institutions, banks and fintech businesses
  • Compatible with multiple time sources and clients including NTPD, Solarflare’s SFPTPd, Chrony, Timekeeper, Timemaster, Oregano and more
The Hoptroff Master Clock is a sotfware-based precision timing grandmaster or boundary clock taking time in from a variety of sources including NTP, PTP, Serial PPS, GNSS, transmitting it via NTP or PTP over to your network.

It runs on any 64-bit Linux System, and with properly provisioned hardware can support over 40,000 users per installed instance.   

Integrated with our Hoptroff Compliance software, the Hoptroff Master Clock provides a smart solution to get time from your systems to required regulatory reporting using little-to-no network bandwidth. Your data gathered from your users is directly imported into Hoptroff Compliance where you can store it for up to 7 years.

  • IEEE1588 PTPv2, NTP/ NTP+ standard
  • Compatible with all current 64-bit x86/x64 Linux variants
  • AI based predictive failure prevention
  • Accurate up to 100ns
  • PPS in from a variety of serial usb and RS-232 sources
  • NMEA/GNSS in from a variety of serial usb and RS-232 sources
  • Hardware timestamping available on compatible network interfaces, including Intel, Solarflare, and Mellanox cards along with various others that support the native Linux hardware timestamping API
We offer consulting and support services to businesses to meet each your unique network time synchronisation needs. This includes but not limited to advanced diagnostic and telemetry solutions, technical feasibility assessment, discovery phase projects, deep dive into use cases to address issues before they arise, network architecture design, proof-of-concept development, ongoing consultation and SLA-level support.

Scale fast
Survive disaster
Stay secure and compliant

Seamless scale
Scale infinitely without any painful time sync sharding. Grow effortlessly from a single datacentre to multiple locations worldwide.


Where do you source your time?
The Hoptroff Timing Hubs source their time from the major GNSS signals and from leading terrestrial time providers such as NIST in the US and RISE in Sweden. 

Compare features

TTaaS® milli

TTaaS® micro

TTaaS® nano

TTaaS® nano+

✓ Unlimited PPS PTP/NTP+
✓ 50ms maximum UTC offset, SLA guaranteed
✓ 100µs maximum UTC offset at the business clock on your server, SLA guaranteed
✓ 500ns maximum UTC offset at the business clock on your server, SLA guaranteed
✓ 100ns maximum UTC offset at the business clock on your server, SLA guaranteed
✓ IP Feed
✓ Dark fibre to select datacentres
✓ Dark fibre to select datacentres
✓ Dark fibre to select datacentres or point to point fibre
✓ MiFID II, CAT NMS compliance reporting
✓ MiFID II, CAT NMS compliance reporting
✓ MiFID II, CAT NMS compliance reporting
✓ MiFID II, CAT NMS compliance reporting
✓ SNMP integration
✓ SNMP integration
✓ SNMP integration
✓ SNMP integration
✓ SLA Level 1 Support
✓ SLA Level 2 Support
✓ SLA Level 3 Support
✓ SLA Level 3 Support
✓ One Terrestrial Authoritative Source
✓ Redundant Independent Terrestrial Authoritative Sources (RITAS)
✓ Redundant Independent Terrestrial Authoritative Sources (RITAS)
✓ Zero Trust cybersecurity
✓ Zero Trust cybersecurity

Telnet Networks delivers to the Canadian market expertise in timing solutions for public safety, government, enterprise customers and service providers. We partner with leading suppliers to deliver master clocks, time servers, digital displays, analog clocks, digital message boards for display notification.

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